Experience 6 - 7 Years
Age 33 - 37 Years
Current Salary(TSH) 4Mill - 5Mill
Expected Salary(TSH) 4Mill - 5Mill
Languages English
Education Levels Bachelor Degree
Goal-driven and experienced manager in Food production/manufacturing plants with seven years of manufacturing management experience, Proactive in coordinating maintenance processes to keep operations running smoothly, Focused on continuous improvement against quality and safety objectives, Proficient in allocating resources, optimizing production, and increasing output with a hands-on and dedicated approach, Articulate and professional problem-solver with good relationship-building abilities, also Proficient in planning and implementing innovative production strategies and proficient in meeting all production deadlines. A Registered Professional engineer (PE) by Engineers Registration Board (ERB) With number PE 7872.
Work Experience
07-11-2022 - 30-09-2023
Manager – Factory & Field Operations
The purpose of the jobis to ensure the future of the company and to make sure it is profitable, witha focus on Manufacturing/Production, finance, and general purchasing processes.Responsible to set up our Cashew nut factory and be responsible for the overallmanagement of the plant, oversee all aspects of Factory Operations includingCashew nut processing and production, daily operations, manpower management,quality control, cost efficiencies, safety measurements, raw material planning& any other responsibilities which is necessary.
This includes makingsure that all RCN for processing and other goods purchased meet the qualitystandards as per the company quality policy, to ensure that all kernels thatare produced in the factory meet the customers' satisfaction, in terms ofquality, time, quantity, and ethical standards. The role includes alsooverseeing the production processes, purchasing process of RCN and kernels fromthe field weather direct from the farmers or from the AMCOS, communicating withsuppliers about the quality, price, and delivery time as well as planning,coordinating, and controlling of the manufacturing process.
15-11-2022 - 30-11-2022
Factory Manager
Main Purpose of the Role:
To Lead a teaManufacturing Factory in accordance with laid down Company policies andprocedures. To ensure the production and packaging of company products,according to the production plan and within company’s quality and safetystandards. Lead the entire factory operations, to build constructiverelationships and be a supporting resource to the agriculture departmentleadership in developing, setting, and executing department goals and thestrategic plan in accordance with UTT mission statement.
01-12-2020 - 15-08-2022
Shift Process Supervisor/Shift engineer
Main Purpose ofthe Role:
Themain purpose of the role id to supervise Shift supervisor-cane Receiving,Milling, Steam generation. Also, another role is ensuring smooth running ofprocess stations towards achieving present daily production targets and optimumBoiling House Recovery (BHR).
01-11-2019 - 30-11-2020
Factory Manager
Main Purpose ofthe Role:
ToLead a tea Manufacturing Factory in accordance with laid down Company policiesand procedures. To ensure the production and packaging of company products,according to the production plan and within company\'s quality and safetystandards. Lead the entire factory operations, to build constructive relationshipsand be a supporting resource to the agriculture department leadership indeveloping, setting, and executing department goals and the strategic plan inaccordance with DL teas mission statement.
16-10-2018 - 30-10-2019
Production Manager
Main Purpose ofthe Role:
Responsible forsupervision of the production of organic & conventional cashew nuts. Thisincludes making sure that all goods that are produced in the factories meet thecustomers' satisfaction, in terms of quality, time, quantity, and ethicalstandards. The role includes also overseeing the production processes,communicating with suppliers about the quality, price, and delivery time aswell as planning, coordinating, and controlling of the manufacturing process.
01-08-2017 - 15-10-2018
Factory Process Controller
Main Purpose ofthe Role:
Theprocessing controller monitors the quality aspects of incoming green leaf tothe factory and the final made tea that is ready to be exported or soldlocally. The process controller ensures that manufactured tea meets thespecified quality standards set by the organization before being sold tocustomers. Also, the role involves analyzing the measurements, tea tasting,monitoring the production shifts and sorting out the items that fail to meetthe quality standards, and enhancing the production process to reduce thechances of failure.